Finding Purpose

to Fulfill Your Life

By Jimmy Williams, CPA/PFS, CFP®

“It is better to be a meaningful specific than a wandering generality in life,” said Zig Ziglar. How right he is about a fulfilled life! As the new year begins, you have an opportunity to begin anew as well. Think about the accomplishments you wish to attain in life. What are some of the biggest challenges you face that are holding you back in life? Make those “speed bumps” of life a smoother surface by facing them head on.

How do you find purpose in life? First, you must quit looking in the mirror and look for the needs of others. Purpose in life is a catalyst to higher performance as a giver, a thinker, a creator, and an implementer. You will begin to see yourself in a better light by focusing on the needs of those you care about in your community.

To truly find your purpose in life, you must imagine your best self and bring that person into reality. If you find yourself lacking in gratitude, spend time with people who are grateful. You will immediately find yourself immersed in their world and the “why” in their life. I have been accused of not being realistic when I smile and offer a kind word during times in life like Covid. When the person thinks I should be dour and pessimistic because the world is dealing us (the humans) a significant challenge, I simply refuse to allow the world to control my attitude. We are humans with a highly functioning brain that means we should be able to discern the atmosphere we find ourselves in and create a better habitat for ourselves.

What are your strengths and talents? You are unique to anyone else on the planet. You are the only you ever born to this world. Work on identifying the strengths you possess. One of my strengths is that I love people and seek means to help them enjoy life more fully. We assist them with creating plans and providing strategies to maximize their results from activities they enjoy. Your strengths and talents may be far different. However, I do know that anyone who walks through life thinking negatively and finding fault in others will not only remain unfulfilled but will be miserable in the process.

To truly live a fulfilled life, identify people you admire and seek out their counsel. In my personal and professional lives, there have been a few people that I intentionally sought to learn more from about life. These people had similar upbringings as I and made life more bountiful for everyone including themselves. Before you think it is all about money, I admire those people who share the same philosophy as me. Money and wealth are the only utilities that allow us to bring more joy to the world for others while living with freedom in all aspects of life. To be able to work where you wish, live where you desire and give to the charities that espouse your heart are the reasons for becoming wealthy. Do not chase wealth to simply become a millionaire – seek wealth to become an inspiration to those in your community who need you to show up in their lives with power and positivity.

If you wish to become a bigger, better, and bolder you, find a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional in your area and start the process of finding your fulfilling activities to leave the world better than you found it. Spread some joy to those you meet today. You just may find yourself fulfilling the need of someone else.



Registered Principal Securities offered through Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., a Broker/Dealer, Member FINRA/SIPC. Jimmy J. Williams is an Investment Advisor Representative of Compass Capital Management, LLC, a Registered Investment Advisor. Cambridge and Compass Capital Management, LLC are not affiliated. 215 E. Choctaw, Suite 101, McAlester, OK  74501. Cambridge does not offer legal and tax advice. Please consult your legal and tax advisor for specific estate and income tax planning strategies.

The information in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be tax advice. Further, you should not rely on this information to make investment decisions.